Commitment to Diversity & Inclusion

At JURISolutions® Legal (JSL), we are committed to the elimination of discrimination in all areas of business and to building a highly qualified and inclusive workforce. We value each person’s unique contribution and perspective, and we welcome all qualified people regardless of race, ethnicity, religion, creed, gender, age, marital status, sexual orientation, physical or invisible disability, veteran status, military status, familial status, gender identity, socioeconomic status, geographic location, and other dimensions of diversity. We are an organization of inclusion and strive to recruit from a diverse pool of highly qualified individuals for both our company and our clients. It is our belief that a commitment to an inclusive workforce yields a true competitive advantage born out of different perspectives and a broader spectrum of ideas, creativity, and innovation. Moreover, we welcome all businesses for consideration as vendors, including non-diverse certified businesses, as well as diverse businesses (including, but not limited to, DOBE, HubZone, LGBTBE, MBE, SBE, VOBE, WBE, and WOSB).

Supplier Inclusion Program

JSL is committed to helping diverse business enterprises thrive. As a certified women-owned business, JSL understands firsthand the importance of giving diverse companies fair and equal opportunities in the marketplace. Our goal is to continually increase the amount of supplies, products and services purchased from qualified minority and female owned businesses.

Click here to register as a JSL diversity vendor »

Equal Opportunity Employer

JSL is an equal opportunity employer and is subject to certain nondiscrimination and affirmative action recordkeeping and reporting requirements which require the employer to invite employees and applicants to complete our voluntary EEO survey.

The submission of this information is completely voluntary. You will not be subject to discharge, discipline or any other adverse treatment if you elect not to complete this form. This information will not be used in reaching a hiring decision and no recruiter will have access to the information. Information obtained will be kept confidential and may only be used in accordance with the provisions of applicable federal laws, executive orders, and regulations, including those which require the information to be summarized and reported to the Federal Government for civil rights enforcement purposes. When reported, data will not identify any specific individuals. Your voluntary cooperation is being sought to assist us in meeting our legal obligations and in analyzing the effectiveness of our equal opportunity efforts.

Click to download the self-identification forms »

Certifications and Partnerships