JURISolutions Legal (JSL) has partnered with MYCA Learning, a fellow WBENC-certified company, to make workplaces safer emotionally, mentally, and physically through powerful eLearning programs on sexual harassment prevention, drug free workplaces, and workplace violence prevention/active shooter preparedness. For more information, demo courses, or bulk pricing, please contact info@mycagroup.com.
Safety First Bundle
The Safety First Certification program Course bundle includes these courses:
• Workplace Harassment and Abusive Conduct Prevention
• Drug Free Workplace
• Workplace Violence and Active Shooter Preparedness
• Action Bytes (digital safety drills)
Compliant in all states and 508 compliant.
Bundle of $47 (courses $30 each individually)
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Create an inclusive, respectful and safe workplace for everyone and give your employees a voice. Your concern about your employees’ safety shines a positive light on your culture for teams and new hires alike.
Supervisor version includes 2 hour Workplace Harassment and Abusive Conduct course. Meets California (AB 1825 / AB 2053 / SB396/SB1343), New York State and New York City, Connecticut, Delaware, Illinois, Maine and all 50 state requirements. Course is 508 Compliant.
Non- Supervisor version includes 1 hour Workplace Harassment and Abusive Conduct course. The shortened length meets California AB2053, SB396 and SB1343 for non-supervisors (includes sexual, LGBTQ and protected characteristic harassment prevention).
Workplace Harassment & Abusive Conduct Prevention
2 hours
Audience – Supervisors
The Supervisor course contains two parts (Core Content and Leadership Series) and meets California (AB 1825 / AB 2053 / SB396/SB1343), New York State and New York City, Connecticut, Delaware, Illinois, Maine and all 50 state requirements. Course is 508 Compliant.
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Despite many years of mandated training, workplace harassment can remain an ongoing challenge. The Workplace Harassment & Abusive Conduct course recognizes the changing dynamics in today’s busy workplaces and illustrates very clear appropriate and inappropriate behaviors and how to address. With a generous dose of creativity and animated scenarios, participants are challenged to consider the impact of their words, behaviors and relationships.
Part 1 of 2 – Core Content
The Core Content takes approximately 50 minutes to complete. The Core Content focuses on basic content intended for all employees and includes an explanation of your organization’s harassment policy, LGBTQ+ harassment, sexual harassment, protected characteristics harassment, hostile workplace and how to stop prohibited behavior.
Part 2 of 2 – The Leadership Series
The Leadership Series takes approximately 70 minutes to complete.
The Leadership Series provides leaders with tools to help stop harassment by coaching them on how to apply an intervention process to stop an employee or team’s prohibited behavior when it is occurring, and respond effectively if a team member reacts defensively when asked to stop her/his prohibited behavior. The Abusive Conduct module identifies the impacts of bullying, profanity and prohibited behaviors. Supervisors learn how to receive a complaint and a 4 step interview process. Third party harassment is addressed as leaders learn why and how it can impact an organization. Leaders learn how to prevent and address subtle and blatant retaliation. Finally, a course knowledge check is given to ensure leaders understanding of all of the core and leadership series content.
Workplace Harassment & Abusive Conduct Prevention
1 hour
Audience – Non Supervisors
The non-supervisor course is a shorter version of the supervisor course and contains all of its core content. The shortened length meets California AB2053, SB396 and SB1343 for non-supervisors.
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The Workplace Harassment & Abusive Conduct course recognizes the changing dynamics in today’s busy workplaces and illustrates very clear appropriate and inappropriate behaviors and how to address. With a generous dose of creativity and animated scenarios, participants are challenged to consider the impact of their words, behaviors and relationships.
The course focuses on basic content intended for all employees and includes an explanation of your organization’s harassment policy, LGBTQ+ harassment, sexual harassment, protected characteristics harassment, hostile workplace and how to stop prohibited behavior. The Abusive Conduct module identifies the impacts of bullying, profanity and prohibited behaviors. A course knowledge check is included to ensure employees understanding.
Harassment Prevention
2 hours
Audience – Supervisors
Includes Certificate of Completion
Video-based eLearning course designed to capture learner interest and provide a safe and non-threatening way to absorb important lessons about unacceptable behavior in the workplace.
Course meets all State compliance requirements, including New York & California. The supervisor course takes approximately 120 minutes to complete
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Created in collaboration with Anderson-davis, Inc.
DOT: Reasonable Suspicion
2 hours
Audience – Supervisors
Includes Certificate of Completion
Compliant with FMCSA 49 CFR Part 382.603 regulations, EZLearn University utilized the proven content from KELMAR SAFETY INC. to create a dynamic e-learning course.
By completing this course, you will attain the certificate DOT: Reasonable Suspicion of Drug & Alcohol Abuse
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Give your supervisors the tool they need to appropriately determine reasonable suspicion and how to handle this vital issue.
Please note: Once purchased, the license holder will have 30 days to complete the course.
DOT: Reasonable Suspicion
1 hour
Audience – All employees
This course does not offer the DOT Reasonable Suspicion certificate, to obtain certificate, please enroll in DOT Reasonable Suspicion.
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During the course, we will discuss and review the parameters of the law; provide specific insight on how these rules apply in determining “Reasonable Suspicion”; provide an overview of the substances addressed by the law, and will, in general, provide the supervisor, with a tool to guide them in determining if an individual should be approached for “Reasonable Suspicion”.
For organizations not guided by the law, we will provide the basic underlying principles of understanding drug and alcohol abuse so that employees can better understand the dynamics of drug and alcohol abuse and begin implementing or expanding policies for providing a “Drug Free Workplace.”
Workplace Violence Prevention/Active Shooter Training
45 minutes
Audience – All employees
Created in collaboration with strategic HR inc. and generously permitted usage of 2016 Emmy® Winning Surviving an Active Shooter from the Los Angeles County Sheriff Department.
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This all-encompassing violence prevention curriculum covers sources of violence, early & imminent warning signs, and how to handle an Active Shooter situation. Includes the 15-minute Active Shooter training module. Keep your employees safe by providing the step-by-step Active Shooter guide to actions that save lives. Your organization’s specific Safety/Evacuation Plan can be included along with your Policy.
In development
Safety First: Active Shooter
Stand-alone 15-minute module covering how to handle an Active Shooter situation.
Created in collaboration with strategic HR inc. and generously permitted usage of 2016 Emmy® Winning Surviving an Active Shooter from the Los Angeles County Sheriff Department.
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Keep your employees safe by providing the step-by-step Active Shooter guide to actions that save lives. Your organization’s specific Safety/Evacuation Plan can be included along with your Policy.